A lot of my best college memories so far involve sitting in my dorm room with Isabella.
luv you <3
Cutest ever...can't wait to read more❤
Great newsletter<3
You're totally an inspiration to strangers like me despite all your flaws and all that you've went through regarding anxiety and all the bad days❤🌻
I love the way you express and describe your friendship and how much it means to you although at first it was more of bitter love😂❤
This is so amazing❤😣
luv you <3
Cutest ever...can't wait to read more❤
Great newsletter<3
You're totally an inspiration to strangers like me despite all your flaws and all that you've went through regarding anxiety and all the bad days❤🌻
I love the way you express and describe your friendship and how much it means to you although at first it was more of bitter love😂❤
This is so amazing❤😣